Does Germany provide German citizenship acquisition by birth?

Since a change of law in January 1, 2000, a child born in Germany to foreign parents can now also acquires German citizenship at birth. This article describes the requirements.

German citizenship at birth can be obtained
  • if at least one of the parents on the day of the child's birth
    of the child
  • has been legally resident in Germany for eight years and
  • has an indefinite right of residence or,
  • is a Swiss national  with a residence permit on the basis of the Agreement of June 21, 1999 between the European Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation and the Swiss Confederation on the free movement of persons
  • or a family member of such Swiss national.

Legal basis: § 4 para. 3 of the Nationality Act (StAG) in the version valid at the time of birth.
version in force at the time of birth.
At birth, this child generally acquires foreign nationality in addition to German nationality through its foreign parents.
foreign nationality through their foreign parents. It is therefore a multiple national.
If the child did not grow up in Germany and does not exclusively have European Union
citizenship of the European Union or Switzerland, he or she is generally
obliged, after reaching the age of 21, to choose between their home country nationality and German nationality.
citizenship and German citizenship (§ 29 StAG - option obligation).
This obligation only exists if the child has received a letter between the ages of 21 and 22 in which this decision is made.
in which explicit reference is made to this obligation.

More detailed information:

Dwyer Legal Citizenship Support Request Form

Dwyer Legal Homepage for more Information on our Citizenship Support Services

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