1. Dwyer Legal Knowledge Base
  2. Job Seeker and Post Graduate Visas

What are the requirements for a post-graduate work permit (Doktorand)?

The requirements to obtain a post graduate work permit are the following:

  • Applicant to have studied at a recognised foreign university (Anabin for the university required);
  • Applicant to be offered a post graduate job (Doktorandenstelle) by a German based company;
  • Salary to be in the standard range for post-graduate activity (can be lower than Blue Card level).

Legal Reference : § 4 Abs. 3 BeschV

Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you need additional information or support with processing for a post-graduate work permit for Germany.

Dwyer Legal Law Firm, Schwanthalerstr. 13, Aufgang IV, 80336 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 24 88 14 310, www.dwyer-legal.com

Note: Information provided in this Knowledge Database is for orientation only and not binding.