1. Dwyer Legal Knowledge Base
  2. German Citizenship
  3. Einbürgerungstest and Leben in Deutschland

Is the Einbürgerungstest difficult?

One of the central pre-requisites to apply for a German passport is the successful completion of the official Einbürgerungstest. How does it work and will I pass it?

When somebody sees an Einbürgerungstest with its 300 questions for the first time, he or she usually says: "Oh my god, I will never get this done!"

However, as the questions are always the same and multiple choice, we believe that really everybody who reaches a certain level of German language can also pass this test successfully. 

We have deposited all 300 questions from the national test in our database, so please have look at it and feel free to get a first impression. 

Please also do not hesitate to contact us should you like to learn more about the training options and requirements.

The full Fragenkatalog is officially publishes by the German government and you can be sure to only get the multiple choice questions from this catalogue. A successful should really not be an issue for you.

More detailed information:

Dwyer Legal Citizenship Support Request Form

Dwyer Legal Homepage for more Information on our Citizenship Support Services

The Information provided in this Knowledge Database is for orientation only and not binding.

Dwyer Legal Law Firm, Schwanthalerstr. 13,  Aufgang IV,  80336 Munich
