1. Dwyer Legal Knowledge Base
  2. German Citizenship
  3. Einbürgerungstest and Leben in Deutschland

Which questions are asked in a Einbürgerungstest?

The questions asked in a German citizenship or naturalisation test are always the same. Each test questionnaire contains 33 questions, including 30 general and 3 questions that can only be answered for the respective federal state.

The questions asked in an Einbürgerungstest are not a secret.

The questionnaire is officially published and with some German language skills and a little bit of learning is it possible for everybody to get successfully pass this test.

Also we have listed all questions in our database and we will be happy to support should you need any clarification.

I addition, we can also help you with providing lists of the relevant training facilities and test centres in your vicinity.

Please feel free to use our request form for citizenship to receive more information on the topic of Einbürgerung and our citizenship processing services. Working with our legal team, you have the best changes to get your German passport in a timely manner