The following steps are required to purchase a shelf-company (GmbH):
1. Company to be identified on the market
2. Future company CEO to be defined (please see below from immigration perspective)
3. Company to be purchased:
a. Collection of foreign documents needed for the company purchasing;
b. Contract with the seller to be negotiated;
c. Notary appointment to be processed.
4. Company office to be installed
5. Company to be restructured:
a. Company statutes to be changes to the new shareholder’s requirements;
b. Company purpose to be redefined;
c. Company to be renamed.
6. New company to be registered with the company register
7. CEO contract to be established
8. Bank account to be converted to the new company name and rights to transferred to the new CEO
The processing time for purchasing and converting a shelf-company to the new purpose is ca. 6 - 8 weeks.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need additional information or support with setting up a company in Germany.
Dwyer Legal Law Firm, Schwanthalerstr. 13, Aufgang IV, 80336 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 24 88 14 310,
Note: Information provided in this Knowledge Database is for orientation only and not binding.